CAEvolunteering - Volunteer of the year logo
CAE logo

Application form

Awards open to CAE employees eligible under the Volunteer program. Please complete all sections of the form and click on “Submit” at the end to send it by email. Questions about the program can be emailed to Award recipients will be announced in April 2024.

Don’t forget to attach a letter of support from the non-profit organization to your submission. This letter must confirm your volunteer work for the organization and highlight your contribution to the cause.

Payment to the organization

Due to compliance requirements, please note that CAE will only proceed to the payment if the organization can provide one of the following:

  • Void cheque from the organization
  • Banking information provided on the official letterhead from the organization

If none of those two options can be provided, the application will not be accepted.

Instructions for completing the form in the language of your choice

  • Web form: fill in all the form fields in the language of your choice
  • Attachments: you can attach the support letter and documents in the language of your choice. Because the selection committee is global and attachments are not automatically translated, please attach the documents in English using Google Translate if required. We thank you for your understanding.

*Required fields

Applicant information

Nominator information

Same as above

Information about the non-profit organization 1

Activity sector*

Organization banking information that will be provided:2 *

2 Due to compliance requirements, please note that CAE will only proceed to the payment if the organization can provide one of the methods of payment. If none of the two options can be provided, the application will not be accepted.

Please provide one letter of support from the non-profit(s) organization(s) with this application.

Because the selection committee is global and attachments are not automatically translated, please attach the documents in English using Google Translate if required. Thank you for understanding.

1 If you are involved in more than one organization, please provide the required information for each.

Evaluation questions

Please provide answers to the following questions in a maximum of 350 words each. Be clear and succinct. If the information provided is insufficient, the submission may be disqualified.

Additionnal information

You can also join up to two (2) documents with more information (PDF, Word) – maximum of 5 Mb each document.

Because the selection committee is global and attachments are not automatically translated, please attach the documents in English using Google Translate if required. Thank you for understanding.

Declaration statement*

Please submit your completed Volunteer of the year award application and supporting documents by March 29.

Please provide one letter of support from the non-profit(s) organization(s) with this application. You can also join up to two (2) documents with more information (PDF, Word) – maximum of 5 Mb each document.

For any questions, please send an email at